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We will not merely fend off our enemies. We are Gundabad. We will send them home in caskets.

–War Chief Gorthâg, TA 2343 - 2798

Gundabad is one of the oldest factions on the server. It is currently led by Grievous1138.

History of Gundabad[]

In the dawn of the server Gundabad was founded by Bubberett, who established his stronghold on Mount Gundabad. His position was weak, however, as the Rangers under the command of Hell_Metticulus pushed against the lone-lands from the West and the Kingdom of Khazad-Dum was established in the Misty Mountains south of Caradhras.

Yet the greatest threat to Bubberett rose in the west, where the Blue Dwarven King SquatchThunder and the High-Elven King Glaerdir raised a mighty army and marched east. Hell_Metticulus declared that he would join them and Bubberett, along with KingTulkas of Angmar, launched a preemptive assault against Fornost only to be driven back by Dwarven and Elven reinforcements. After fighting an indecisive battle at High Pass the armies of the Free Peoples took Gundabad by storm and Bubberett, along with most of his men, fled Middle-Earth.

On October 19th 2014 the last Gundabad orc, the inexperienced SirWilsonGS, agreed to sell Mount Gundabad to iwellner45, Lord of Nogrod and heir of SquatchThunder, for 64 coins before fleeing south and founding a fortress at Mount Caradhras. At this point Gundabad was effectively contained to a strip of the Misty Mountains stretching from Mount Caradhras in the south to High Pass in the north. During this time Wilson founded the Morgul Empire which was effectively a predecessor of the mighty Dark Council and was headquartered at Caradhras.

Wilson recruited Optomuncher and the two launched numerous raids against the dwarves. On February 1st 2015 the Dwarven fortress of Mount Gundabad was destroyed and although the Dwarves established a new city nearby, Wilson established a fortress on Mount Gundabad. Opto was later killed while on March 2015 Wilson was forced to temporarily retreat into the depths of Caradhas. In his place he named Iluvatars_Bane, the King of Angmar, as the Warchief of Gundabad.

In late April 2015 Wilson returned and rather than disputing the rulership of Gundabad with Iluvatar the faction was split in two. Illuvatar became the Warchief of the disputed region north of High Pass with his capital at Mount Gundabad while Wilson took control of the territory south of High Pass with his capital being Caradhras. Wilson later recruited Grievous1138 and Grievous became a Warchief and the second-in-command of Caradhras. This arrangement lasted until June 14th 2015 when Lord_Morghash_IV founded his own clan in the Lone Lands and established a capital at Mount Gram, from where he began working to reclaim the area from the Rangers. At this point the first true Clan system developed, with these being Wilson and Grievous’s High Mountain Clan, Illuvatar’s Mountain Clan, and Morghash’s Plains Clan.

Wilson vanished in the summer of 2015 and Grievous began plotting against the Dwarven Council, resulting in the Dwarves’s declaration of war on June 8th. Grievous led Gundabad’s forces throughout the war and the result was a decisive victory for Gundabad with the Mountain Clan taking complete control over the Northern Misty Mountains while the Dwarves agreed to split Moria with Gundabad, resulting in Grievous taking that area and founding the Moria Clan.

In late July 2015 Gundabad decided to establish Goblin Clan between the Mountain and High Mountain Clans. An evil-wide vote was held between helper1318, an old deputy of Grievous, and SirWilbur, who was supported by the Goblin town populace. Wilbur was victorious and crowned on July 30th but promptly betrayed Gundabad on August 3rd and was replaced as War-Chief by Helper. Under these leaders Gundabad became renowned for their backing of Kvesir in his fight to retain the Umbar throne.

Morghash eventually disappeared and on November 14th 2015 SirWilsonGS took over the Plains Clan, renaming it to the Hunter Clan and ceding some of its territory to the Mountain Clan. What remained of the High Mountain Clan was annexed by the Moria Clan.

Grievous, Illuvatar, Wilson, and Helper ruled Gundabad until mid April 2016, at which time Helper was succeeded by Jeanuts. Shortly afterwards on May 30th 2016 the Dragon Clan was founded by a former Goblin Clan player, Ar_Korthon, who established the fortress of Scathas Lair and claimed the Grey Mountains.

In late June 2016 Jeanuts was replaced as the ruler of the Goblin Clan by jonnymoomoo after helper refused to return. The next leadership change to occur was in early January 2017 when DreamLordDarkrai replaced SirWilsonGS as the ruler of the Hunter Clan.

Darkrai’s rise to power resulted in tensions rapidly rising between the Dragon Cult worshiping War-Chiefs Korthon, Jonny, and Darkrai, and the older Melkorists Grievous and Iluvatar. The Dragonists wished to name Korthon the High-Chief of Gundabad, but after Darkrai and Jonny defected a compromise was reached in which Iluvatar was named High Chief of Gundabad but was effectively a figurehead.

Darkrai rapidly grew tired of the disputes among the leaders of Middle-Earth and abdicated his position in early summer of 2017 for wolfking_nl, one of the greatest warriors of Middle-Earth. Korthon eventually left Gundabad and he was succeeded briefly as the ruler of the Dragon Clan by Capt_Percy before Ar_Ugruruth rose to power. On June 20th 2017 Gundabad launched a rapid expansion into the Values of Anduin, annexing the vast majority of the area for the Mountain, Goblin, and Moria Clans.

Gundabad aided their ally of Mordor in their war with Gondor when it erupted on November 25th 2017 but it was during this time that Gundabad began to fall into decline as Ar_Ugruruth ran the Dragon Clan into the ground while wolf was banned on March 28th 2018 and succeeded by another famous warrior, woow262. Woow never wanted to rule and gave leadership to another veteran soldier, peperonigamez, but both woow and pepe were slain on November 11th 2018 and the Hunter Clan had its territory partitioned by the Mountain, Moria, and Goblin Clans.

As the power of Gundabad faded, so did the old guard of evil that they represented. The Dark Council fell on May 27th 2016 and was succeeded by the Dark Alliance, which in turn fell on January 25th 2019, which was succeeded by the Shadow Pact, which fell in April 2020. Each of these pacts was weaker than the last and when the Shadow Pact fell Gundabad felt itself out of place in evil as newer, warlike leaders rose across the shadow. This happened in spite of Gundabad’s strong actions in the Isengard-Arnor war that started on October 2nd 2019. When Ar_Ugruruth retired on January 14th 2021 the Dragon Clan was disbanded and its territory partitioned.

As Gundabad declined and its clans died out the position of the High-Chief grew increasingly powerful. On October 4th 2020 jonnymoomoo abdicated as War-Chief of the Goblin Clan for Skaarku, formerly Ar_Korthon. On March 25th 2021 the War-Chief system was officially abolished and Iluvatars_Bane was named the supreme ruler of Gundabad with Shaarku and Grievous as his deputies.

On October 20th 2021 Iluvatar abdicated as the ruler of Gundabad in favor of Grievous. Grievous joined the Shadow Confederacy on January 23rd 2022 and Gundabad is now ready to reemerge as a powerful force within the shadow.

Ranks of the Orcs of the North[]

Gundabad is composed of four Clan, each ruled over by a vicious War Chief. Each War Chief is the ruler of his particular region, and is the faction leader of all the Orcs in his Clan. The War Chiefs gather together at Mount Gundabad and vote to make decisions for the whole faction when necessary, though most decisions are made by the Chiefs independently and within the Clans.

The population of each Clan build has its own hierarchy, often involving a build commander that serves as a go-between between War Chiefs and other players. If an Orc chooses to remain outside of a stronghold and in a personal home they may do so; however, they are still subject to their respective War Chief. All of the War Chiefs have authority over all other players in Gundabad.


The following ranks are listed from lowest to highest.

  • Snaga - The lowest rank in the faction. Snagae are new recruits, players with under +150 Gundabad alignment that have yet to finish the recruit process. This rank is entirely temporary; once the recruit process is completed, Snagae will automatically be promoted to Warriors in the Clan of their choosing. Snagae are clanless.
  • Warrior - The basic rank in Gundabad is that of the Warrior. Warriors have no command authority of their own, but they do have access to the full privileges of a Gundabad player, which vary by clan.
  • Ravager - The lowest of Gundabad's command ranks, above Warriors but below Chieftains. Ravagers are the champions of Gundabad, a mix of savvy leaders and distinguished workers. They have command authority over Warriors and may command small fortresses, but when stationed at larger cities they still answer to Chieftains.
  • Chieftain - Chieftains are the independent commanders of the larger cities of their Clan, and they answer to their War Chief alone. Chieftains have authority over all other players in the Clan.
    • Heir - One Chieftain per Clan is chosen as Heir to the War Chief, and serves as a temporary War Chief when their leader is absent for an extended or crucial period.
  • War Chiefs - War-Chiefs rule a clan within Gundabad and command a region.
    • High Chieftain - The High Chief is the supreme ruler of Gundabad.

Orcs of Gundabad[]

Awards are listed in brackets.

-Grievous1138: High-Chief of Gundabad and ruler of Moria.

-Shaarku: Former War-Chief of the Dragon and Goblin Clans. Ruler of Goblin Town.

-Illuvatars_Bane: Former High-Chief and former War-Chief of the Mountain Clan.

-dylanhugh: Heir of Grievous.

-Ang: Senior builder.

-Jonnymoomoo: Former War-Chief of the Goblin Clan.

Strongholds of the Orcs[]

Mount Caradhras[]

Once the the greatest stronghold of clans, first settled and built by SirWilsonGS. The fortress was carved into the very living rock of the Redhorn. When the Caradhras has an entry-room, several staircases, a main hall, three corridors, a throne room, personal rooms, troop rooms, warg pits, a troop-gate, storage rooms, a crafting room, two smelting rooms, a mineshaft, an armory, the Council Tower, an large arena, military passages, the temple of Morgoth, and a series of catacombs.

Mount Gundabad[]

The fortress was first settled by SirWilsonGS after the first sundering of Arda, and is now ruled by Iluvatars_Bane. It consists of a mountain with a large fortification on top with many dwarven halls within. It was undergoing massive construction and was almost complete. However, due to a corrupt banner in the build, it was destroyed. Thus, almost all of the previous players are now gone as there home and much of what they fought for was destroyed. The mighty fortress has been reconstructed and is the capital of the Mountain Clan.

The Balrog Halls[]

The Balrog Halls are the capital of the Orc-realm of Moria. These ancient halls were ordered to be built by Durin V to service the Redhorn Lodes at the beginning of the Third Age. They were the first to be captured by Durin's Bane, and were never reclaimed by the dwarves. Grievous has his throne here, and the Moria Uruks of the Fire Legion ensure that these halls remain unconquered by enemies. Currently the city contains the magnificent Halls, the Hall of Flames and the Hall of the Shadows, various corridors with storage rooms and barracks, a feast hall, a trophy room, a meeting-room, troop barracks, stables, farms, mines, shrines to Melkor and Felagrog (Dúrin's Bane), the Dark Alliance Vaults, the great War Room of Gundabad, and the throne room of Nagithas himself. Few of dwarf-kind have glimpsed the Hell-throne of Moria and lived. Under the Balrog Halls, great mineshafts extend out from the large cavern known as the Redhorn Hub in a complex network of tunnels that bore into the Rehorn Lodes. Lost among the twisting thunnels is the cavern in which the Balrog was long imprisoned - which still holds the skull of Dúrin VI. One of these tunnels breaks off, and joins with mineshafts originating from the fortress of Caradhras.

Eagle's Eyrie[]

During the early days of the Goblin Clan there was a great fortress constructed close to Eagles Eyrie, it has long since been abandoned however. Nowadays not only occasional bands of Orcs dare to pass the shadows thrown by the massive rocks to raid the Woodmen and Beorning villages on the East side of the Anduin.

The Citadel and Stronghold of Scatha[]

Widely known as Scatha's Lair, this colossal fortress is being built by Ar-Korthon in the Grey Mountains. It serves as the capital of the Dragon Clan.


Weathertop was the stronghold of SirWilsonGS when he ruled over the Plains Clan. It currently consists of the ruins of the tower of Amon Sûl.


Built by Jeanuts and Captain_Barbossa, Goblin-Town is the biggest stronghold of the Goblin Clan and the main entrance to the Goblin Tunnels. Goblin-Town consists of the Main Gate, hallway with the Armory and Information Room, The Main Cave with the Warg Pit, Torture Room, Storage Room, Smeltery and some Player Houses, The Food Cave with the Portal Room, Royal Kitchen, the Feast Room, The Barracks Cave with the Goblin Shop, Tavern the Dead Dwarf, the barracks and the new(ish) throne room! The tunnels of Goblin-Town are very complex, and it is by no means unusual for players to get lost there... Even Goblins!

Gumbull Ogh[]

The fortress of Gumbull Ogh was first founded by Shaarku as a simple fortress to guard the High Pass. Later on jonnymoomoomoo and MoiBoy commanded the garrison of Goblins stationed there, until the recent return of Shaarku. After the nearby dwarven stronghold of Aflutab was conquered by the Goblins, Gumbull Ogh grew steadily, now also encompassing the ruins of the old dwarven fortress. Since the disappearance of the High Mountain Clan, and later the Plains Clan, many Orcs and Goblins flocked to the fortress. Nowadays it is the second biggest settlement of the Goblins.. The North of the built is the oldest, containing military encampments, warg pits, and the old fort. To the South there are vast networks of caves and tunnels with many Goblins working in deep pits and mines to supply the Goblin army with a continuos stream of armour and weaponry.

The Goblin Tunnels[]

Dug between Gumbull Ogh and Goblin Town, the Goblin Tunnels are the key for controlling the High Pass. Many careless travellers were transported through this vast network to be brought before the Goblin King, not many of them survived.

The Recruit Camp[]

Built by jonnymoomoomoo, this is the almighty camp which will (when finished) contain up to 336 tents for recruits! It is segmented into 8 sections, 1 for each Gundabad War Chief, 1 for the Witch King of Angmar, 1 for the War Chief of the Rhuduar Hillmen and 1 for the leader of Dol Guldur. It comes complete with a mine; a vast farm; a forest; a rules/info shack; a storage room; a mini fort for mock sieges and PvP training; a tower for the Goblin Overseers; and of course a massive perimeter wall.

The Fanuidhol Citadel[]

Fanuidhol was the final part of Moria to be built in the early Third Age. Originally built as a watch-fortress, Fanuidhol quickly became of more importance with the construction of the Forge Hall. It was conquered long ago by the orcs and used as the strongest defensive position of the city, and has been the site of a number of important battles. Now it is being rebuilt. Captain Ushnotz commands this fortress, and it is mostly used as a gate of Grievous's realm and a great forge and armory for the Orcs of the region. Inside, it currently consists of a few upper passages, the great Forge Hall, armories, barracks, storage, farms, and mines. The exterior citadel features several large walls on the north, south, and east, a long and fully defendable entrance tunnel, a large and fully defendable gate, and a massive courtyard, which is paved and contains a monument to the Moria Orcs and their history. Fanuidhol will soon feature renovation on the interior, now that the exterior citadel is once more complete. It is guarded by the Warg-riders of the Ice Legion. In the future the interior will be expanded, the armories will be made more elaborate, and the Great Forge Hall will contain the most powerful forges in Middle-Earth.

The East-Gate Deeps[]

The great main city behind the East-gate of Khazad-dûm consists of seven levels and seven deeps. Nagithas rules the Fourth Deep and the Fifth Deep; the Sixth and Seventh Deeps are caved in and flooded. The Fourth Deep contains the 23rd Hall (the Lesser Forges) and the 24th Hall (The Drum Hall). It also contains various war-rooms and defensive tunnels, barracks for troops and players, a feast hall, an arena, stables, armories, and a command room. The Fifth Deep is home to the foyer, many mineshafts and tunnels, the 25th Hall (the miner's hall), farms, storage, the 26th Hall (the great Treasure Hall), the king's treasury, the trophy room, and the War Room. The Sixth and Seventh Deeps, which were built long ago, have been lost to cave-ins and flooding, along with much treasure within. In the future the Deeps will be connected to each other, the Troll-Caves, and a network of catacombs by the Orc-Tunnels. The Deeps are defended by the Moria Orcs of the Shadow Legion.

The Troll-Caves[]

The Troll-Caves are a series of caverns, mineshafts, and tunnels located beneath Durin's Crossroads. The Troll-Caves are a mix of old dwarven ruins and orc- and troll-built tunnels. Discovered by Shagor-tûr centuries ago as the source of cave-trolls that had long troubled Dwarven Moria, the Troll-Caves were expanded from the ruins of dwarven guardrooms, waterworks, and maintenance shafts to include a massive network of caves and tunnels. They contain a gate and foyer, the massive Cavern of the Drums, and the start of soon-to-be-rebuilt catacombs. In the future housing for players and units will be built, along with forges, storage, dungeons, breweries, a treasure hall, a war room, farms, mines, and connections to other tunnel systems.

The Orc-Tunnels []

The Orc-Tunnels are a network of tunnels and catacombs between the Deeps and Troll-Caves. They have recently begun reconstruction and are well on their way to completion. The first bit of work to be done here was the fortress that many consider to be the entrance to the Deeps. This fortress consists of many balconies, walls, and watchtowers clustered around a tunnel, and happens to be across a valley from a dwarven watchfort. The tunnels themselves currently stretch from the West Tunnel Hub on the Fifth Deep, and contain a confusing network of catacombs before finally reaching the Main Cavern. This cavern is home to farms, pools, a library, an armory, barracks, a tunnel to the surface, forges, and further catacombs. In the future the tunnels will be expanded to connect to several parts of the Deeps and to the Troll-Caves, and will serve as a supply route between the three southern fortresses of the orcs.

Vok-Thor (Formerly Dúrin's City)[]

Vok-Thor was once the great capital of the Dwarven Empire, until overrun by the forces of Gundabad. They re-named the city Vok-Thor (Dwarf Massacre in Orcish) and it has been built upon by the remainder of the Orcs who once lived in Mt Gundabad prior to its destruction, lead by Iluvatars_Bane.

Mount Gram[]

The fortress of Mount Gram is an ancient hold on the western tip of the Angmarin Spur. Once the capital of the ancient Plains Clan, it is now a Mountain Clan stronghold.

The Stronghold of the Withered Heath[]

A WIP project. Withered Heath is a stronghold, built on stone and many meters of ice where once the dragons dwelled. Finished it will contain a throne room, chambers for players who stay there, dragon pits and a possible hall of silver.

The Forsaken Fortress[]

A WIP project. This Fortress, when finished, will be the most eastern border post of the Gundabad clans. It is located where the two sources of the Gladen River merge, and build upon a ancient Gondrian watchfort, whose remains can be found in the basement. As a large border post, it has many accommodations, and can be used by any of the clan-members. Requested by Grevious and Jonny the Black Numénorean Shockblaster began working on the fortress, changing the once forested area into a large construction site. Now the main fortress and towers stands high, intimidating any enemies that dare pass the area.

Joining Gundabad[]


Tutorial for droids!

To join Gundabad you must talk to a senior Gundabad member and obtain 100 alignment with Gundabad.

Diplomatic Relations of Gundabad[]

Gundabad is a member of the Shadow Confederacy. It additionally holds an alliance with the Morwaith.


Durin's FolkKingdom of Khazad-dûmKingdom of Durin's FolkThe Dwarves of the Mountains of the WindDwarves of the Red MountainsBlue DwarvesDwarves of the Grey MountainsNorthern Longbeard Dwarves

Elves and Ents:

High-ElvesRivendellGaladhrimThe Avari ElvesWood-ElvesDorwinionFangorn

Orcs and Uruks:

AngmarDol GuldurGundabadMordorIsengard

Northmen and Dúnedain

GondorKingdom of DaleRangers of the NorthThe Riders of RohanThe Republic of LebenninDol AmrothDunlandHobbitsBreeWood-Men of Mirkwood

Peoples of Harad and Rhûn:

Half-TrollsMorwaithNear HaradNew Taurethrim EmpireThe Golden Easterlings of RhúdelEastern Tribes (Far Rhun Easterlings)The Variags Of KhandUmbar

Disbanded factions:

Kingdom Of AnduinGaldhrimFire elvesKingdom of the Golden WashKingdom of the IslesRúnandorSmaland
The Northshire RepublicClans of the NorthmenLossedhilThe BrotherhoodDwarves of EreborDwarves of the Iron HillsThe Gladden Fields
VanwarThartorogrimThe Scourge
